Heritage is something you give from one generation to another and its prerequisite is continuity. To provide the viability of heritage, we have to find, influence and join together those people and communities, on whom the sustainability of local traditions depend on, and who are interested in jointly standing for the field.
Purpose and important activities
With the project we aim to create a comprehensive and a network working all over Estonia where every representative of a county has an adequate overview of what is happening, and has received necessary training to direct, promote and enliven.
Our activities:
- personal development evaluations with curators, to find out every person’s skills,
opportunities and the necessary resources; - we formalize the job descriptions of the curators to carry out our purposes, so that in all the counties our people work on the same bases;
- we organize schoolings and virtual information sessions once a month, to share our experiences, success and failures, to advise each other;
- we map the current situation in every conuty to find out the the strengths, weaknesses, the resources we have and the ones we need in every county. No such overview of the field has been done so far.
The development of the curators’ network and inclusion of suitable people increases the ability to
ensure the situation where heritage is available to more interested people, it is vibrant and valued. The curators of the counties have to be motivated and feel as an important part to have a qualitative development of the folklore field in their region. With this project we wish to find and influence people on whom the viability of local traditions depends on, who bind local folklore communities and stand for local interests.
Estonian Folklore Council’s project partner in developing the folklore curators’ network is Domus Dorpatensis Foundation for Science and Liberal Arts.
Project manager and contact: Laura Liinat (laura@folkloorinoukogu.ee)
This project is funded by the Active Citizens Fund. The ACF operator in Estonia is the Open Estonia Foundation in cooperation with the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations.
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